We're gearing up for our next conference here in Nashville on October 17-19th. If you haven't already registered, take time to consider joining us.
Why are we gathering for the weekend? What's really the point? Why carve out time from our already packed and busy schedules to come to Nashville?
The answer: We desperately want to grasp the love of God for us and how it impacts every aspect of our lives-- and we want to experience this journey with others.
Why are we gathering for the weekend? What's really the point? Why carve out time from our already packed and busy schedules to come to Nashville?
The answer: We desperately want to grasp the love of God for us and how it impacts every aspect of our lives-- and we want to experience this journey with others.
Here are some thoughts on this year's conference theme LOVED by Mike Cope:
The inescapable love of God. This theme is the largest narrative of history. Exodus 34:6 and the several Old Testament passages refer to that "theme song." When we say "God is love" that is different than saying "God is loving." This connects God's very essence to love. Even his wrath is an aspect of his love for all. This moves us to a very different understanding of the story/death/resurrection of Jesus. And in the end, in some sense, God's love will win.
What does it mean for us to experience this love emotionally and relationally? What does it mean to love oneself? And then, what does it mean to express this love towards a spouse . . . friend . . . Christian family . . . enemies?
"The love of Christ compels us." The early Christians are moved along not by fear, not by Torah obedience, but by this love that has captured them. We enter into spiritual disciplines not because of ascetic impulses but because the love of Christ/God is forming us through the Holy Spirit. We choose holy living because of love. We think missionally because of love. We practice the joy of evangelism because God's love is moving us. We're living into the reality of God's loving future.
Come join us at the conference! Ponder God's love. Let it consume you. Dwell in the knowledge that you are LOVED.
Click here to learn more and to register.
Click here to learn more and to register.